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Message from the president

Dear Fellow MAFS Members, 

I am excited to serve as the MAFS President for the next year.  I became a MAFS member in 2007 and attended my first meeting shortly after. From that first meeting, MAFS just seemed to fit, or rather, I felt I fit right into MAFS. The organization and the people I met were all so welcoming that I became eager to attend the next meeting and most meetings after that. It didn’t take long for me to want a bigger role in MAFS. I began to serve on committees, present at breakout sessions, and later serve on the Board. I wanted to give back to MAFS in the same way it had always given to me.

My vision for the next year is to continue building on the long-standing traditions of my amazing predecessors and keep MAFS moving forward in the forensic community, continuing with MAFS’ purpose of encouraging the exchange of ideas and information within forensic science.  I would like to continue making it a welcoming and friendly environment while maintaining MAFS’ high standards of offering remarkable training and networking opportunities.

With that said, I extend to you a challenge to help us make MAFS bigger and better. Make this year the time to get involved in MAFS and pursue your own personal growth in the organization. Offer your suggestions, opinions, and recommendations to me, or any Board member, committee member, or Section Coordinator. We are only this great because of you and the incredible contributions you make! Thank you for all the effort you put forth. Here’s to a wonderful and exciting year!

Debbie Kaurala

MAFS President

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